Contact Us
Our physical shop is located in Alamosa, Colorado, USA
The address of the shop is: 710 Del Sol Drive, Alamosa, CO 81101
This is the mailing address for the shop AND the actual physical location of the shop.
Our phone number is (719) 937-2555 - this is a calls only number. It's a landline and can not receive or send texts. If you would like to text us, our text only number is (719) 480-8483 - texts only.
Our email address is
How to find us:
The easiest way to find us is to get to Walmart in Alamosa. Almost anyone in town can give you directions to Walmart. On the east side of the Walmart parking lot there is a little shopping center, just south of Tractor Supply. We are located between the Verizon store and the Rent-A-Center in this shopping center. The DMV is located in the same shopping center.
If you have any trouble just give us a call, (719) 937-2555. Tell us where you are and we can give you directions from there.
Our hours are Tuesday - Friday 10am to 5pm and Saturday 10am to 3pm.
We are closed on Sundays AND Mondays. We are also always closed the following holidays: New Year's Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving Day and Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.